Adding and Displaying Layers of Information: Medieval Swansea

Search for Layers to Add from ArcGIS Online

Let’s start by adding a layer of information that’s already publically available on ArcGIS Online. Click on Add from the map menu options and select Search for Layers. You’ll notice that the panel to the left of the map changes to allow you to search for layers that are available on ArcGIS Online (publically), the Web (largely resources made available in the United States), or A GIS server (which would be a private server running ArcGIS Server and would require you to know the URL of the service on the server and potentially required security information to access the server). Ensure that the drop down list for where you would like to search for resources is set to My Organization, type Swansea into the Find text field, keep Within map area ticked (though you may wish to untick this if you would also like to see possible layers that meet the search criteria, but fall outside of the current area) and click Go. This will return layers with the search term in the title, tags, or summary of the layers that have been made publically available on ArcGIS Online that are within our map area.

Adding and Displaying Layers of Information: Medieval Swansea

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