Common Challenges in Interdisciplinary Research


Difficulties Related to Collaborating with Other Disciplines

Barisonzi, & Thorn, 2003; Bradbeer, 1999; Braddock, Fien, & Rickson, 1994; Brewer, 1999; Franks, Dale, Hindmarsh, Fellows, Buckridge, & Cybinski, 2007; Fry, 2001; Hall & Weaver, 2001; Knights & Willmott, 1997; Lyall & Meagher, 2012; Mansilla & Duraisingh, 2007; NAS, NAE, & IOM, 2005; Newell, 1992; Siedlok & Hibbert, 2009; Weinbert, & Harding, 2004; Woods, 2006

Personal Issues

Braddock, Fien, & Rickson, 1994; Brewer, 1999; Franks, Dale, Hindmarsh, Fellows, Buckridge, & Cybinski, 2007; Hall & Weaver, 2001; Morse, Nielsen-Pincus, Force, & Wulfhorst, 2007; NAS, NAE, & IOM, 2005; Nash, 2008; Satin, 1994; Siedlok & Hibbert, 2009

Time Constraints

Barisonzi, & Thorn, 2003; Golding, 2009; Lyall, Bruce, Marsden & Meagher, 2011; Morse, Nielsen-Pincus, Force, & Wulfhorst, 2007; NAS, NAE, & IOM, 2005; Nash, 2008; Panaritis, 1995; Satin, 1994; Weinbert, & Harding, 2004

Intransigence from Current Institutional Structure

Braddock, Fien, & Rickson, 1994; Brewer, 1999; Golding, 2009; Mansilla& Duraisingh, 2007; Morse, Nielsen-Pincus, Force, & Wulfhorst, 2007; NAS, NAE, & IOM, 2005; Satin, 1994; Siedlok & Hibbert, 2009

Problems Being at the Interface Between Disciplines

Barisonzi, & Thorn, 2003; Brewer, 1999; Field & Lee, 1992; Lyall & Meagher, 2012; NAS, NAE, & IOM, 2005; Siedlok & Hibbert, 2009

Lack of Opportunities for People

Brewer, 1999; Fry, 2001; Lyall, Bruce, Marsden & Meagher, 2011; Lyall & Meagher, 2012; Morse, Nielsen-Pincus, Force, & Wulfhorst, 2007; NAS, NAE, & IOM, 2005;

Licencing and Ownership Ambiguities

Lyall & Meagher, 2012; NAS, NAE, & IOM, 2005; Weinbert, & Harding, 2004

Lack of Local Level Management

Lyall, Bruce, Marsden & Meagher, 2011; Lyall & Meagher, 2012; NAS, NAE, & IOM, 2005


Suggested Solutions to Interdisciplinary Challenges


Provide Training on Technical and Supplemental Skills

Barisonzi, & Thorn, 2003; Franks, Dale, Hindmarsh, Fellows, Buckridge, & Cybinski, 2007; Golding, 2009; Hall & Weaver, 2001; Klein, 2005; Klein, 2006; Knights and Willmott, 1997; Lyall, Bruce, Marsden & Meagher, 2011; Lyall & Meagher, 2012; Morse, Nielsen-Pincus, Force, & Wulfhorst, 2007; Nash, 2008; Newell, 2001; Panaritis, 1995; Satin, 1994; Spelt, Biemans, Tobi, Luning & Mulder, 2009; Weinbert, & Harding, 2004; Woods, 2006

Build Relationships with Members of the Group

Golding, 2009; Hall & Weaver, 2001; Lyall, Bruce, Marsden & Meagher, 2011; Morse, Nielsen-Pincus, Force, & Wulfhorst, 2007; Nash, 2008; Newell, 1992; Newell, 2001; Satin, 1994; Weinbert, & Harding, 2004

Include Senior Staff and Interested Parties

Lyall, Bruce, Marsden & Meagher, 2011; Lyall & Meagher, 2012; Nash, 2008; Morse, Nielsen-Pincus, Force, & Wulfhorst, 2007; Panaritis, 1995; Weinbert, & Harding, 2004

Incorporate Effective Management Practices to Construct Clear Objectives and Evaluation

Golding, 2009; Hall & Weaver, 2001; Lyall, Bruce, Marsden & Meagher, 2011; Morse, Nielsen-Pincus, Force, & Wulfhorst, 2007; Woods, 2006

Increase Funding Opportunities and Adapt Existing Ones for IDR

Lyall, Bruce, Marsden & Meagher, 2011; Morse, Nielsen-Pincus, Force, & Wulfhorst, 2007; Nash, 2008; Satin, 1994

Incentivise IDR with Support and Rewards

Knights & Willmott, 1997; Lyall, Bruce, Marsden & Meagher, 2011; Panaritis, 1995

Establish an Institutional Structure that Prioritises IDR

Field & Lee, 1992; Lyall, Bruce, Marsden & Meagher, 2011

Discourage Disciplinary "Selfishness"

Morse, Nielsen-Pincus, Force, & Wulfhorst, 2007



Barisonzi, J. & Thorn, M. (2003). Teaching Revolution: Issues in Interdisciplinary Education. College Teaching, 51(1), 5-8. doi: 10.1080/87567550309596402

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Brewer, G. (1999). The challenges of interdisciplinarity. Policy Sciences, 32(4), 327-337. doi: 10.1023/A:1004706019826

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Mansilla, V. & Duraisingh, E. (2007). Targeted Assessment of Student's Interdisciplinary Work: An Empirically Grounded Framework Proposed. The Journal of Higher Education, 78(2), 215-237. doi: 10.1353/jhe.2007.0008

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Satin, D. (1994). A conceptual Framework for Working Relationships Among Disciplines and the Place of Interdisciplinary Education and Practice: Clarifying Muddy Waters. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 14(3), 3-24. doi: 10.1300/J021v14n03_02

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Spelt, E., Biemans, H., Tobi, H., Luning, P., & Mulder, M. (2009). Teaching and Learning in Interdisciplinary Higher Education: A Systematic Review. Educational Psychology Review, 21(4), 365-378. doi: 10.1007/s10648-009-9113-z

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Woods, C. (2006). Researching and developing interdisciplinary teaching: towards a conceptual framework for classroom communication. Higher Education, 54(6), 853-866. doi: 10.1007/s10734-006-9027-3